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A student talking to her high school counselor.

Top 20 Questions to Ask Your High School Counselor

When you’re in high school, preparing for college admissions can feel like you’ve been plunged into the Upside Down in Stranger Things. Everything is confusing, people might as well be trying to talk...

Counselor helping out one of her students.

College Counselors and You: Making the Most of Their Guidance

Navigating the path to college can be totally overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and your social life. Instead of trying to do it all on your own,...

How to Help Students with Parents Who Object to Higher Education

To most families, sending a student to college is an exciting milestone — the start of a promising future. But a growing number of families have a different perspective. They lack confidence in...

Group of people in a classroom interacting with each other.

How Counselors Can Support High School Seniors

From Rory Gilmore’s graduation speech to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (and beyond), senior year hasa firm placement in our pop culture. It’s for a good reason, too. It’s such an important year that...

How College Counselors Can Help Students Choose a Career Path

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s an ever-present question throughout childhood, but it takes on new meaning (and importance) as teenagers begin preparing for college. A few of your...

How to Talk to Students About Majors as a College Counselor

For many students, talking about a college major can be overwhelming. Oddly, it never hurts to open this important conversation with Buddy the Elf. Why? Will Ferrell, the comic genius who played...